The OURover team is formed by five teams of Obuda University: Space Lab, BioTech Research Center (BTRC), Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics (ABC), John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics (NIK), Kálmán Kandó Faculty of Electrical Engineering (KVK). Basically Space Lab is managing all the team members, BTRC is good in programming and data acquisition, ABC has strong expertise in human like robots, NIK is strong in UAVs and KVK is providing all the electrical engineering knowledge. Team members have expertise in Robot Operating System (ROS), and various autonomous vehicle platforms. Members of the team participating regularly in national robot building (rovers, drones) and programming competitions. The team receives knowledge transfer and technical support from Pulispace Technologies, ECON Ltd. and PCB Design Ltd.
Team members:
Abdallah Benhamida (programming, ground control sw, PhD student)
Bence Takács (Scientific leader, programming, PhD student)
Dominik Virág (Technical leader, mechanical components)
Fanni Matula (PR)
Miklos Kozlovszky (mentor, prof.,programming,sensor fusion)
Sándor Burian (3D modelling, PhD student)
Tivadar Garamvölgyi (mechanical components)
Robert Nagy (mechanical components, BSc student)
Roland Dóczi (programming, autonomous driving)