Who we are

The E.V.R.S.T. team currently consists of seven members: three safety engineering students, two mechanical engineering students, one electrical engineering student, and one graduate electrical engineer. As such, our expertise is quite diverse. However, there are still areas where we lack dedicated members, so we plan to recruit new team members in the near future. Each team member is passionate about rocket science and space exploration, and we are eager to learn new skills needed for rocket building.

What we do

We started development from scratch. Since we had no direct experience in rocket design and lacked a significant budget, we dedicated a lot of time to learning and gathering information.Most of our achievements were showcased at the Researchers’ Night event, such as various propellant tests, a custom nozzle manufactured using a 3D-printed mold, and the thrust measurement test bench that we completely designed and built ourselves. This was a significant task as it required collaboration across multiple disciplines. One team member built the frame, another programmed the necessary code for the Arduino, and to ensure fast measurements, another developed a high-speed amplifier for the system.Our goal with this team is to promote rocket science and gain engineering experience. Additionally, we all genuinely enjoy working on this project. Our long-term aim is to participate in international competitions where we can represent our university. In the short term, our objectives include developing rocket engines and constructing a flight-capable demonstration rocket.


-Protective equipment (masks, gloves, etc.)

-Thrust measurement test bench



-Office 365



-Open Rocket

-Open Motor


Our Goals:

-Participate in the next Researchers’ Night event

-Compete in a European university rocket competition

-Establish a recognized and open team that future ÓE students can join

-Collaborate with other universities

-Provide comprehensive knowledge and experience in rocket science for all team members

-Conduct regular scientific research and publish findings


-Examining the properties of propellants

-Designing and building test benches

-Active presence on social media

-Building a rocket engine

-Designing and constructing a simplified rocket



Interested to join our team? Please contact us: klabacsekbalint @ gmail.com